Online Video Drivers Training

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Drivers today pass a 10 minute drive test and do insanely dangerous things like what you are about see. Watching the video driver training lessons at are a super way to prepare young drivers to survive out there.

Many mistakes were made in that crash for sure! Please know that people are running dead red stop lights. 5 Star Driver has a lesson on traffic checking at intersections.

Instructor: Okay. Scan the intersection. Make sure no one is going to blast through it and kill you.

Student: Okay.

Instructor: If it saves your life one time is it worth it?

Student: Yea.

Host: In the last video, Mr. Cullington mentions that drivers will blast through and kill you at green lights. Here is a crash test video that shows the force of impact on these types of crashes.

Instructor: Good. I always check my mirror when go to brake. Green light. Good, here we go. Give me a little lookey and see if any one is being stupid. Good.. here we go.

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