Why 5 Star Driver Is The Best Online Drivers Education Program

5 Star Driver Is The Best Online Drivers Education Program because teenagers do not retain the important information when taking their Drivers Education program. Whether they take an online Drivers Ed course or participate in classroom instruction doesn’t seem to matter. They just want their instructional permit and unfortunately the way of modern day learning is to retain the information until tested on said information and then move on. This results in not internalizing the imperative knowledge. That wouldn’t have dangerous consequences when learning about say the French Revolution of 1789 to 1799 in high school. It is a whole different potentially deadly ramification when it comes to the right of way issues at an uncontrolled left turn at a major intersection.

The 5 Star Driver video training program shows real life drivers education on actual behind the wheel lessons. The visual aspect of what the written words mean taught in a traditional drivers education course come to life making the information impactful and memorable. In the Creating A 5 Star Driver Beyond Drivers Ed® on line subscription service all aspects of driving are shown with new drivers. They learn the real skill of defensive driving as well as the rules and laws while driving in neighborhoods, busy streets and intersections, highways, mountains, freeways and in hectic downtown areas.

An extra huge benefit to having a subscription @ 5stardriver.com is that parents can watch as well and learn how to have great success with their new drivers. Parents also learn the proper application of the rules to stay safe on the highways and byways and not just share the sloppy many times incorrect driving habits they have developed. A true win/win for young drivers and their parents, making more 5 Star Drivers out there.


My Daughter Is A 5 Star Driver

Peter Walker offers more great testimony about the 5 Star Driver Beyond Drivers Ed® video training program. He makes an interesting point about how many parents may show off how proud of there children’s school education they are by displaying a bumper sticker on their car.

[videojs width=”560″ height=”315″ preload=”true” youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Z7jAOoSngRQ”]

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