When it comes to teaching teenagers how to drive two things make it difficult. Hire a teenager while they still know everything. Yea teenagers and young adults can be know it alls. Parents are not always the best teachers. Here are fine examples of these situations from the Creating A 5 Star Driver video training program. This new driver gets distracted by the conversation and rolls her stop. And then is a bit pretentious about it. Following will be another clip of the same new driver who rolls her stop again. This time she realizes it and admits that that is what her parents do.
Clip 1
Instructor: Left turn here.
Student: IT’S ONE WAY!
Instructor: AMAZING! Do you see how you find these things? You caught it. Pat yourself on the back. Complete stop. stop.
Student: I did complete stop. …
Instructor: Okay. Okay. Are you safe? Because they don’t have stop signs.
Clip 2
Student: Thanks. The roads were a little windy I guess.
Instructor: And right turn. Which is good.
Student: Yea.
Instructor: Did you ever stop?
Student: Uh, no.
Instructor: So you just blew right on through it just like mom and dad right?
Student: Yea.